Practice Areas

Clients trust us to provide practical legal advice to guide decisions related to all aspects of running a business.
We partner with clients to:
• Prepare and negotiate agreements for a wide variety of business relationships – from vendor agreements to consulting agreements to licensing agreements.
• Identify the proper type of contract for their new technology or service offering, and then develop form contracts they can use with customers.
• Structure and negotiate mergers and acquisitions (M&A), strategic partnerships, and financial transactions.
• Help determine entity structure and make decisions regarding governance and ownership matters.
• Create and develop strategic plans related to the growth of or exit from a company.
• Develop contract workflow processes, relieving legal and procurement departments from the burdens of high-volume contract management and review.

Nick and Jeanne, the litigation team at Wildwood, each spent more than a decade at two of the Pacific Northwest’s largest law firms. There, they gained significant experience representing clients in a variety of disputes. Now they use that experience to offer their clients personalized and tailored legal representation with the agility and efficiency of a small firm.
Whether you are a business looking for practical guidance in the face of litigation or an individual seeking to protect your rights, the litigation team at Wildwood Law Group can help.

Intellectual Property
Businesses encounter a wide range of intellectual property (IP) issues -from creating proprietary content, to building brands, to hiring contractors to develop custom software. When your business intersects with IP, we can help you navigate the often quirky world of copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets.
We can help if:
IP is a critical part of your business and you are interested in strategic ways to manage it.
You want to better understand your IP rights and how to protect them.
You need to register your trademarks or copyrights.
You are interested in licensing or selling your IP to others.
Your employees and contractors are creating IP for your business.
Someone is using your IP without permission or someone claims you are using their IP without permission.
You want to know how to use third-party materials appropriately.

Real Estate
We represent clients in both transactional and dispute-related real estate matters in Oregon and Washington. Our real estate team has significant experience representing landlords, tenants, buyers, sellers, title companies, insureds, financial institutions, businesses, and investors.
We can assist with:
• Commercial real estate transactions, such as leases, purchase and sale agreements, land sale contracts, and related services agreements.
• Real estate loan documentation.
• Commercial judicial and non-judicial foreclosures.
• Title review for both commercial and residential transactions.
• Curing title defects and enforcing property rights, such as easements, licenses, rights of way, and related issues.

Data Privacy & Incident Response
Privacy laws are changing rapidly and companies must adapt to those changes to remain in compliance and protect customers, clients, employees, and shareholders. Data breach reporting laws are also evolving quickly, and companies need experienced counsel to help when things go awry. We stay informed of these fast-moving areas of law and can help with legal needs arising from these areas.
We can help with:
• Compliance with the patchwork of privacy laws.
• Website privacy policies and terms of use.
• Data-security incidents and data breaches.
• Ensuring that vendor agreements comply with privacy and security requirements.
• Internal policies, procedures, and trainings to ensure your company is using best practices.